
My main channel is starting to get going again…

So my main youtube channel is starting to get going again as I finally have a method I feel will eventually work for it eventually. It is all about me / about leon just like this website is It will vary in content and I will continue talking about random topics, but will continue to be about either my current life and the experiences I go through everyday either the apps: doordash, uber eats, instacart, occasionally spark / walmart,...
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App is getting somewhat close to an alpha version

So I have been working on my app and it's starting to be functioning enough that I may put an alpha version of it up on the app store sometime soonish. Probably a few more months, but it does function and at least serve the purpose that I made it for myself for. Hopefully it will be an app a lot of others will find increases their productivity while also being enjoyable to use. I also plan on starting to...
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My app is working, but buggy…

So currently my app is working and does a basic job of what I want it to do, but there are some major bugs in the scripting that I need to figure out how to fix. I also want to add a bunch more features, but... I want to ensure the issues with the coding are taken care of first. I think I mainly need to implement some bool's to ensure code doesn't get called before I want it to...
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Started a Productivity / Task App

So I started a productivity / task app, mainly to help myself be more productive. It has a long way to go, but I have it at least somewhat functioning now. I do plan on putting it up on the Google Play store eventually, but will have to do a lot more work on it before I feel there is a point in even putting it up there as Alpha. So far it is pretty buggy, but I will be...
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Working on putting shows together…

So I have put together a PA system so I have the gear to play shows again sometime soonish. I just got wireless mic's for karaoke. I plan on doing shows that are a mix of karaoke, live solo acoustic, possibly some electric guitar playing / soloing with backing tracks, possibly some activities etc. Focusing on trying to get some together once a month and slowly, but surely building it up. I am pushing myself to do at least something...
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