So I have put together a PA system so I have the gear to play shows again sometime soonish. I just got wireless mic’s for karaoke. I plan on doing shows that are a mix of karaoke, live solo acoustic, possibly some electric guitar playing / soloing with backing tracks, possibly some activities etc. Focusing on trying to get some together once a month and slowly, but surely building it up.
I am pushing myself to do at least something on youtube every day on my main channel and hopefully will get something going again. I just need to keep it up and not give up and hopefully figure out youtube again.
I do plan on slowly, but surely making this website better and putting some stuff up about the shows I do once I get some going and etc.
Anyways, working on heading to bed to wake up and do it all again tomorrow (the apps—doordash, uber eats, instacarts, spark etc).