So today I worked the apps in the Olympia area: Tumwater / Olympia/ Lacey starting around noon and it went about how I expected. It will be a learning process just like it was in the beginning of doing the apps to begin with in Centralia / Chehalis / Napavine / Rochester: I will need to learn the area, restaurants and stores (both where all of them are and where figure out item locations—Instacart is a chore up there at least to start with / so many different places to shop from, but also Instacart is a pain because it doesn’t show total distance it shows distance from the store so I will need to try to be quick about realizing if it is worth it depending on which store they give me to shop. Like today one order seemed okay, but… it wasn’t from the Safeway I was close to it was miles away so I deemed it not worth doing as I would have had to travel a distance than do the order so I decided to cancel it. In Chehalis / Centralia it is decently easy to figure out as there is just Safeway Chehalis / Centralia and the other stores I either know where they are or I know they are really far away so I won’t want to take them unless the amount is really good.
I do see Olympia being more money eventually, but today for instance I probably made 25% less doing the apps up there as I don’t know the area yet, but I do see potential as there are a lot more orders to choose from there compared to the area I normally work from. I am going to slowly, but surely work up there more and more, but want to make sure to do it as a process so I just lose a little bit of money here and there until I get everything down much better.
Lots of things are coming up, but yeah got to get at least decently caught up before I can start implementing my next big goals which will be coming slowly, but surely. Mini goals to big goals has always been my plan and will continue to be. Just got to keep pushing progress to achieve the big things I have and the next big things I want to accomplish.