Yes finally the moment has come, all credit cards are paid off (well still a few small little things popped up on a few cards, I am pretty sure I mentioned this in the last blog, but there are a few balances of $5 to $10 and one that is $29, but less than $50 in total which is no big deal). The big but though is… I still have $2560.23 left to pay off (misc regular bills, but not credit cards), I may have also mentioned this in the last blog, but that is one of my issues with my blogs is I do post about the same things when I post. I will be making sure to post about certain subjects coming up / categories and hopes I stop posting the same things over and over again.
Coming up… After I get these bills paid off and make sure everything is caught up I will be making sure to improve this website more and more, putting out my album finally and hopefully producing and posting some awesome youtube videos. I have a mass amount of ideas ready to go just need to make the money for the cost of the videos and figure out how to get them recorded in a good way that won’t cost more than what I can budget currently.
I am decently happy that all cards are paid off, but will be happier once I get all cards paid off and have some actual money to spend without needing to use my credit cards. Lots of awesome things are coming up, but I do need to make more money and make sure not to use my cards except for small purchases to hopefully get my credit score really high eventually.