So I went pretty much 3 full weeks of 12+ hour days and pretty much made the goal I had originally set, but… I had more credit card debt than I had originally thought. I had paid down every credit card to under 15% on each card, but having 12 credit cards with a balance on a decent amount of them at $200+ was right at $2500 which I did get paid off also for the most part, but now I have my regular bills to pay again which if all goes well I will have that covered in 3 days then I will have the last credit card with a decent sized balance on it to go which is $1960.88. I also have 1 more credit card with a balance of $379.06 to pay off (which I almost paid off, but was trying not to close it afterall—even though they are switching over to an fee based card: $8 a month or $96 a year, but I realized it was my oldest credit card and will be affecting my credit score by a decent amount closing it out. I called and tried to reverse the cancellation and they said it was too late. I also realized I needed that extra money to pay off extra bills and make sure I had money for the weekend as my son came over and wanted to make sure to have money for him while he was here).

I will be back to the grind and will hopefully have all my regular bills paid up and these 2 last credit cards paid off within 2 weeks and then I can finally spend some money again and also take a bit of time off occasionally, focus on youtube, my music and etc. I will still be working the apps a decent amount, but I should be able to take a little time off and focus on other things also / balance things.

When I started doing the apps it was mainly supposed to be extra money to help with expenses, but I created a few because of them—like getting a new car (luckily the gas mileage is good so it has helped me not have to spend so much on gas and in the long run will help me to make a lot more money without spending a good 10 to 20%+ of anything I make on gas)

Anyways, I am going to watch a movie and try to get some sleep. Will also be focusing on making this website better and promoting it coming up once I am finally caught up, oh plus saving up money for short term stuff and also long term stuff.

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