So if all goes good I think I only have 7 days to go until I have my last credit card paid off. After my last bill that should come out tomorrow of $173, paying off Petal / closing it out of $364, I will be down to $1463.21 left to make before my final credit card is paid off. It should only take me 7 days as long as I make the $200 minimum I push myself to make every day. The last few days I have been hitting $300 a day or very close to it excluding expenses (but I have been keeping them pretty low). The only issue if I have a slight sickness of some sort. It has been a very slow process that has very slowly, but surely getting worse. It seems almost like allergies and have been thinking it is that, but may be more than that. Mainly coughing and blowing my nose. The coughing has slowly but surely getting worse and what not. But still I pretty much have all my energy to keep working. I am hoping it is just really bad allergies. As long as I can keep working I want to keep going until I get there as I don’t have medical and I will need to pay off my last doctor bill before I can go again I am pretty sure, plus going to the walk-in clinic takes forever (so lots of money lost). Anyways…
I have been watching the new Ryan Trahan penny series and good like always. So far it does seem like it is almost too easy for him thus far, but still love his videos and he seems like such an awesome guy. If you haven’t watched his channel please do so here: Ryan Trahan’s Youtube Channel.
Alrighty going to mess with the website a little more, maybe watch part of a movie or youtube and get some sleep and hopefully have the energy to do it again tomorrow as if all stays good I will finally be done paying off these credit cards in 7 days.