So today was a pretty good day, second best day for earning that I have had thus far. I made $375 between apps. I will be working as much as I can handle for the next 3 weeks or around there. On Friday I will be paying whatever I have made by then to 1 of the last 2 credit cards and then I will start working on the last card. There may be a few dollars left on my Discover card, but will put that into cleanup that I will be working on after next week. After Friday I will be working as much as I can up until next Friday and everything I make will go into my Amex / American Express card (it has a balance of around $1900 currently). If all goes well I should be able to make at least $1400 to put towards the balance of that card. Then from Saturday to the next Friday I will be putting whatever I make from that to the small balances between cards. There may be a little left over afterwards, but I think if all goes right I will pretty much be there. I will be going day by day making as much as I can, but making sure to keep putting one foot in front of the other. My goal will continue to be at least $200 a day and hopefully I will have more days like today where I almost hit double goal. Once I get there I can finally put some money towards putting my album out, towards making awesome videos, towards getting medical (so I can get another echo on my heart, quit smoking and hopefully eventually getting dental so I can fix my teeth), actually getting my own place again so I don’t have to live in an rv anymore, getting my bills paid up in advance, doing giveaways on my youtube channel and buying more stuff for my kids.

Anyways, going to watch a bit of Breaking Bad (I have watched every season / episode a good 5+ times now, but is always a good rewatch) and head to bed soon to do it all again tomorrow.

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